Pool Break 3D Billiard Snooker v2.7.2 Apk UPDATE
Free Download Pool Break 3D Billiard Snooker v2.7.2 Apk : Selamat Malam Sobat kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah game android yang bernama Pool Break 3D Billiard Snooker. .Game ini mempunyai tampilan Grafik 3D yang halus dan mengagumkan, lebih mendekati pemainan billiard seperti di dunia pasti dibandingkan aplikasi game billiard lainnya, dalam sebuah game ini kita bisa bermain sendirian melawan musuh bot Android dan juga bisa bermain dengan orang lain secara online sambil mengontrol atau bisa juga mengundang teman facebook untuk bermain Pool Break 3D Billiard Snooker bersama-sama secara real time.
- A dozen games packed into one app
- Multiple Languages Supported
- English, French, German, Italian
- Russian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese)
- Dutch, Polish, Spanish, Korean (South), Simplified Chinese
- Supports Online Cross-Platform Multiplayer Gaming
- Supports online chat
- Play against the computer with four difficulty levels
- Pass-n-Play mode
- Very Realistic Pool, Billiard and Snooker Physics
- Pan and Zoom and Slow Motion modes
- Free View and First Person View
- Allows Curve and Masse shots and full English
- Intuitive User Interface
- Many sceneries and ball designs
- Built-in Help Manuals explain how to play
- View statistics and achievements
- One-click start of recently played games
- Hours of fun.

Info Mod
- US 8-Ball Pool
- UK 8-Ball Pool
- 9-Ball Pool
- 10-Ball Pool
- 3-Ball Pool
- 6-Ball Pool
- 7-Ball Pool
- 4-Ball Biliar
- Satu Pocket Pool
- lurus atau 14,1 berkelanjutan
- Rotasi Pool (61)
- Biliar Tiga-bantal
- Biliar Satu-bantal
- Latihan / Training
- Tempat-n-Tembak
- Snooker Regular
- Snooker 6-Reds
- Snooker 10-Reds
- Carrom (tiga gaya board)
- board game Crokinole
Yang baru v2.7.2:
- Choose from 15 different Cue Textures
- Option to match opponents with identical aiming lines
- Chat window fixes
- Stability improvements
- Fixed ball going through rail in Circular Pool games
- Name: Pool Break Pro - 3D Billiards
- Versi: 2.7.2
- Size: 13 MB