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Mini Legend Apk v2.0.1 Mod (Always Win)

Mini Legend Apk v1.1.5 Mod (Always Win)-1

Free Download Mini Legend Apk v2.0.1 Mod (Always Win): Sekarang saya akan kembali lagi dalam membagikan kepada sobat semuanya sebuah game android yang bernama Mini Legend Apk. Game ini merupakan sebuah balapan mobil dengan 4WD dari 60 mobil yang berbeda dan memiliki 120 tingkatan yang unik dengan mode PVP Online, Sehingga sobat bisa mengajak teman untuk menantang pada game ini dengan sistem pencocokan cerdas untuk mengetahui siapa yang terbaik dalam permainan.

Pada game ini sobat bisa memilih salah satu diantara banyak pilihan dengan jalan yang sudah disediakan, Game ini mempunyai beberapa hadiah yang nantinya hadiah tersebut bisa membuat 4WD yang sobat miliki melaju secepat-cepatnya.

Fitur Mini Legend

  • Social Now On!
  • Race against Friends!
  • Sending Mini Coins to Friends Daily
  • Daily TA Race
  • New Acts
  • Compete in daily Time Attack Race for Rewards!
  • 36 New Stages Added!
  • Race against 2 other Racers!
  • PVP Revamped
  • and more

Free Download Mini Legend Apk v2.0.1 Mod (Always Win)


"Unleash the Speed Within, Become a Mini Legend" 
More than 60 unique autos and several execution parts to look over! Make, Mod and Race your Mini 4WD! 

1. Story Mode 
○ Single player RPG crusade 
○ Story includes a yearning Mini 4WD racer who finds his/her dad's storied past through an old Mini 4WD model set and a written by hand diary. Through these things the character finds the legacy his/her dad abandoned and ventures into the universe of Mini 4WD dashing to satisfies his fate in turning into a Mini Legend. 
○ Over 120 Unique Levels 
○ Unique and essential story and characters 
○ Challenging Boss Battles 

2. Online PVP Mode 
○ Challenge companions or adversaries through shrewd coordinating framework 
○ Find out who's the best through aggressive play 
○ See how your changed Mini 4WD stacks up against the opposition 
3. Online Events 
○ Special organization races 
○ Weekly claim to fame races ○ Limited release auto races 
○ Collaboration with various brands for hybrid occasions 

4. Day by day Time Attack Races 
○ Challenge day by day target time 
○ Achieve best track times for extraordinary prizes


Mini Legend Apk v1.1.5 Mod (Always Win)-2Mini Legend Apk v1.1.5 Mod (Always Win)-3

What's New:

  1. Thank you everyone for supporting Mini Legend! Here are the changes we've made in this patch:
  2. UI Enchancement
  3. Parts Sorting - Players can now sort the parts in the modification page
  4. Opponent Info - Opponent's detail now has displays more information about their mini4wd
  5. Minor UI enhancement
  6. Parts Shop
  7. We have increased the available parts in the Parts Shop from 4 to 10
  8. Bug Fixes
  9. We've resolved an issue where the speed of the car occasionally stays constant during the race.

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