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Overload: Multiplayer Battle Car Shooting Game v1.2 Apk For Android

Overload: Multiplayer Battle Car Shooting Game v1.2 Apk For Android

Free Download Overload: Multiplayer Battle Car Shooting Game v1.2 Apk For Android: Pada sekarang saya akan membagikan kepada sobat sobat semuanya sebuah game android terbaru yang bernama Overload: Multiplayer Battle Car Shooting Game. Game ini merupakan sebuah petualangan dengan menggunakan ssebuah mobil yang sudah dimodifikasi dalam sebuah pertempuran  melawan musuh yang ada dan permatama kali main sobat harus mencari sebuah senjata agar bisa menghancurkan mobil musuh dengan cepat serta sobat haruss mempunyai sebuah cara dalam melakukan sebuah penyerangan musuh dan selain itu juga sobat bisa memilih salah satu mobil untuk sobat kendalikan dalam sebuah petualangan .

Didalam permainan ini mobil yang sobat hancurkan nantinya akan dihitung untuk mendapatkan sebuah seccor dalam petualangan, permainan ini mempunyai sebuah tingkatan level yang nantinya sobat harus hadapi musuh yang sangat berat sekali jika sobat sudah mencapai tingkatan level tertinggi dan sobat ketika menghancurkan mobil musuh yang banyak maka sobat akan mendapatkan sebuah hadiah yang sangat berguna sekali untuk sobat nantinya dan game ini sangat terbaru ini sekali untuk sobat mainkan.

The origin of Overload
In the near future, the world is put into havoc by a secret assassination group called WOA (World Organization of Assassins). Members of WOA are nature-born killer with outstanding skills and do anything for money.
Rumours about WOA has spread all over the world. Some say, the top assassins live a king-liked lifestyle with all the bounty from every successful mission. Other say, that WOA is open to everyone, only if they can pass a gruesome test.
That test is Overload, a heartless competition where contestants must battle to death.
Many joined, only one survived.

Be the Best, or Join the Rest
Fight against other players, race, dodge, ambush, blow them up with all of your arsenal. Online rankings update weekly, and the tops will be awared. Furthermore, with three different modes : Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag, find your call and keep your fingers busy .

Cars have never been that awesome !
Choose your own favorite among 3 different car classes with a total of 10 different vehicles with unique abilities and stats. Apply stunning skins to make your car a unique one
Deadly Weapons !
Arm the car with destructive weapons scattered all over the arena : homing missile, napalm bomb, mortar or cloaking mine.
Epic Upgrades!
Enhance your car’s performance with Skill Points awarded each time you level up, and if that’s not enough, then feel free to equip the chip collected in Kubik to make the car even stronger, and the enemies even punier.


Overload: Multiplayer Battle Car Shooting Game v1.2 Apk For Android
Overload: Multiplayer Battle Car Shooting Game v1.2 Apk For Android
Overload: Multiplayer Battle Car Shooting Game v1.2 Apk For Android

What's New:

  1. Login With Google Account
  2. Membership
  3. Instant Boost 
  4. New Server: EU, Asia or US. 
  5. Private Room
  6. Buy Scrap and Spray Can
  7. Buy Skill Points
  8. Stamina: Each time the character engages in battle, the stamina decreases
  9. Free Classic Kubik: 1 Classic Kubik every 8 hours
  10. Profile: Tap on your icon to access the profile
  11. Daily Limit: You can play up to 20 matches daily
  12. Change Name: Name can be changed, with a price.
  13. Chip Upgrade: Chip can be upgraded to level 10.

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