Smart Launcher Pro 3 Apk v3.25.28 Full Gratis

Free Download Smart Launcher Pro 3 Apk v3.25.28 Full Gratis : Pada Kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah aplikasi android terbaru yang bernama Smart Launcher Pro. Aplikasi ini berguna untuk mempercepat perangkat yang dijalankan oleh sobat, sehingga android sobat bisa terorganisir dengan baik dan melihat dari luar saja bagus dan keren tampilannya, Apa lagi kalau lansung download secara gratis pasti lebih jelas lagi sobat.
- Up to 9 screens when you can place your widgets
- You can assign a widget to an icon to show up it with a double tap
- Double finger gestures to quickly access to apps and contacts
- New Arch Layout
- Smart flat surface detection
- Full management of your category list
- 20 new categories ready to add to your drawer
- 7 extra drawer animations
- Faster support and updates

What's New:
- Fixed two minor issues reported after the update
Kelebihan Smart Launcher Pro 3 v3.25.28 Apk
- Desain simpel dan user friendly
- Dukungan fitur live wallpaper
- Ukuran kecil, kinerja ringan, tidak terlalu membebani RAM
- Terdapat fitur hidden apps
- Memungkinkan untuk merubah icon aplikasi di homescreen
- Mengubah background dengan mudah
- Shortcut cepat untuk menuju ke aplikasi hanya dengan satu usapan saja di menu home
Fitur Smart Launcher Pro Apk Android
- New icon picker with icon suggestions
- New color picker
- Selectable font for the drawer icons
- Widget picker is now much faster
- Install a font just by opening a ttf or otf file
- Restore a backup just by opening a .slbk from file explorer
- "Dark statusbar icons" works on Huawei phones
- Many improvements for the search bar
- Animated gestures
- updated translated especially for Indonesian and Hebrew
Fitur Update :
- favorite app organizer
- recently opened app organizer
- user selected app organizer
- tracking installed/uninstalled app
- add the least used application feature
- Japanese, German, Chinese, Korean, French, Spanish, Italian language supported
Cara Install:
- Download the apk file from the links given below
- Uninstall all previous version of Smart Launcher 3 / Smart Launcher 3 Pro
- Copy It to your SD Card (Only if you have downloaded it to a PC)
- Make Sure you have ticked the unknown sources In Settings > Security > Unknown Sources
- Install It Normally
- Done ! You’ve Got the Pro Version for Free.
Link Downlod:
Themes (LockScreens)