Minions Paradise V5.0.2239 MOD APK

Free Download Minions Paradise V5.0.2239 MOD APK: selamat siang sobat pada kesempatan siang ini saya akan membagikan game yang sangat populer sekali, Game ini bernama Minions Paradise. Game ini menceritakan kehidupan di dekatnya sebuah pulau yang sangat indah sekali untuk sobat tempati bersama keluarga. Jika sobat tertarik dengan game terbaru ini lansung saja download sekarang juga sob.

What’s New:
- Now you can choose either a Minion or a villain to dance on stage as a special Guest of Honor during celebrations.
- Guests offer different boosts during your Party, like faster Distractivities, item collection, and crafting, as well as bonus Sand Dollars at the Celebration Station.
- You can even switch camera perspective during the party for closer views of Phil, your Guest of Honor, and other partying Minions!
- Thanks for playing. Don’t forget to rate us to let us know how we’re doing.
What’s In The MOD:
- Everytime you build a decoration you get massive party points/xp points.
- As soon as you get to level 3, build a decoration and you will see.